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"Herba Sacra - Samphire, since ancient times the Greeks have highly valued it not only for its special taste but also for its medicinal properties."

Samphire pesto

Samphire and Samphire products

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Olive stuffed with lemon and orange

Olive stuffed with lemon and orange herbasacra Olive stuffed with lemon and orange herbasacra

Jar 320γρ.
Drained 170γρ.

Jar 1000γρ.
Drained 600γρ.

Dried tomato with samphire essential oil

Dried tomato Herbasacra

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Wild green olive crumpled with lemon and samphire spice

Wild green olive crumpled with lemon and samphire spice

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Olive stuffed with lemon and orange

Olive stuffed with lemon and orange

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Wild black olive

Wild black olive

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Olive stuffed with samphire

home levanta

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